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The Sorcery Salon

A secret society for Vintage Witches to share their passion for Timeless Magic and weave it into their modern lives


Learn how to connect to your unique Magical essence through Victorian Witch archetypes to transform your life by becoming the Witch you have always dreamed to be 

The Art of Taurean Living

Venus Magic for the Lazy Witch - Self Love and Pleasure course.

The Winter Witch

Deepen into the Magic of the Seasons and their Archetypes to align with the Natural rhythms and balance your mental, spiritual and emotional health.

The Spring Witch

Discover your most Magical life by awakening the Witch Within from her Winter slumber. Learn to trust and surrender to the Magic of Spring and that it will bring you your heart's desire.

The Dark Reverie Ritual & Bonuses

A three day Shadow work experience

Descend to the depths of your Subconscious to alchemise your pain, gain clarity on your path and find profound peace and healing you have been so deeply longing for

The Enchanted Spring Sorcery Bundle

All of my Magical offerings in one place for a no-brainer price

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